My name is
Christian Ransom I am 9 years old. I live in the Philippines in Antipolo. I was born in 1995 my birthday is on Nov, 30. I was born in the U.S. |
This is when I went to caliraya and there was a slip and slide. Caliraya
was really fun! I liked it a lot because of the slip and slide and the tennis. There where a lot of games but those were my favorite. |
This is my school Fath Acadamy.It is the best
school I have ben to.The thing I like the most about it has good teachers and friends. |
This is me and my
brothers.The one holding tyler is Kian he is 12.Tyler is all most 1. |
This is my family
Please look at my artwork. I made it all on the
computer using PAINT. You can click on the picture to the right or any of the pages below. |
captainunderpants | captsbro | Fred | colors | nice day | beach | dad | fred2 | flower | swing set | christian corner |
spray paint | space ship | mixed colors | trees |